Bicyclist Ruled a Pedestrian for Purposes of Insurance

A bicyclist was seriously injured in Seattle when a car door opened right in front of him. His insurance company denied medical coverage because he was not a pedestrian when injured, and the policy language covered him if injured as a pedestrian. The bicyclist sued his insurance company. The trial court ruled in favor of […]

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Bicycles and Bollards

Recently my wife and I visited a park and driving into the lot we saw an ambulance and a crowd gathering around. We elected to leave the area and go to a different park. Days later we returned to the park. I noticed a large, fresh plug missing from a wooden bollard. The bollard is […]

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Bicyclists Allowed Rolling Stops

For decades the law in Washington has been that bicyclists must obey the same traffic control signals as motor vehicles. At least four states and some local governments have adopted laws allowing bicyclists to make rolling stops, treating stop signs as yield signs. A new Washington law will allow rolling stops for bicyclists state-wide effective […]

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